Don't let it be said that we don't know how to have a good time celebrating the new year. After considering such options as a drunken party, salsa dancing, mud wrestling, etc. we settled on going to a movie and putting together a 2,000 piece puzzle. Before you minimize our accomplishments you should know that the movie started at 10:00 pm and we actually stayed up until midnight (in our time zone). We took the kids to see Avatar in 3D at the local IMAX theater. If you haven't seen it - its got to be in 3D and preferably at an IMAX.

We went to dinner with Mom and Dad at Johnny Carino's over the holiday break.

As a warm up to our 2,000 piece puzzle, we completed this 750 puzzle of Time Square.

This puzzle of Las Vegas took all of us nearly two full days. Even the dogs helped, eating seven pieces before we were able to finish. Since no one was willing to follow the dogs around the yard to retrieve the pieces, we ended up with a 1,992 piece puzzle.