Thursday, July 24, 2008

Puppy Factory

We still haven't learned our lesson and again decided to become pet owners. About 18 months ago we purchased a male golden retriever (Kenai) and a female golden retriever (Ellie). They became best friends and apparently fell in love. After some unsupervised time alone and much to our surprise - eight cute puppies showed up (eight weeks ago). We've been able to sell the first two, but the remaining six are still orphans. We've found that these large breed puppies are a lot of work!


Heather said...

How much to ship one out East! We will take one for sure! Our golden, Joey is longing for a friend. Let me know...seriously!

Shell said...

They are so cute. We have a yellow lab and he is a very good dog. We had a black lab Rotty mix that we just had to put down. They are a lot of work. I think they are less work when you have more then one to keep each other busy but I don't think my hubby would let me get another one.