Saturday, March 14, 2009


Darren came home from school four weeks ago and anounced that he was playing Rugby. We don't know a lot about the sport, but we do understand that it's basically dirty football without pads. We asked Darren if he understood this and then gave him our blessing. After weeks of practicing Darren had his first game (do they call it a game?). Here is what we learned:

  • We have a lot to learn.
  • There's a hooker on the team, but it's not a profession, rather a players position.
  • There's a lot of grabbing and poking.
  • The most common phrase we heard was, "that looks like it hurt".
  • Have you seen the movie "Forever Strong" about the Highland Rugby team? We haven't, but we've now seen them put a lickin' on the Bingham Rugby team.
  • Darren didn't have to go to the ER.
We're told this is called a scrum and that Darren is in there somewhere. His position is "prop".

Darren lining up against a tough looking Polynesian.

Is this a cheer team lift or a Rugby play? We're still not sure.

1 comment:

Heather said...

We know about Rugby here. Garth played for BYU. He played in a men's league out here in VA until I made him quit after ripping his bicep muscle and wearing a mechnical arm for 2 months. Or was it the 15 stitches across his left eye...not sure.

Garth will be thrilled to learn about Darren!