I wanted to be the first in the family to blog from foreign soil, so I decided to take a trip to the UK. Our company has an office in York, England and this is the second trip I've been able to take this year. On my last trip I didn't take my camera. This time I thought it would be fun to post some daily pictures from my travels. The trip was fairly long - 22 hours in total, including a train ride between Manchester and York. I really enjoy the train ride as you travel through very traditional English countryside with green rolling hills and meandering rock walls.
For those of you who rely as I do on the movie "
Braveheart" for your English history, you'll remember that William Wallace and his band of Scots "sacked" York and sent the Duke's head to King "
The original city is walled with four entrances (see pictures below).

One of the four entrances to the city.

Me standing on top of the wall which circles the entire city. I'm standing directly above the entrance pictured above.

Two rivers (
Ouse & Foss) combine and travel through the city. On Sunday, people will travel to York by boat to spend the day.
I'm not a huge fan of English food. There are three types of restaurants - Indian, Italian and Pubs. Taking full advantage of being in a foreign country, tonight we dined at Pizza Hut. It's surprising how expensive the food is here. I'm traveling with a work associate and it cost us $40 to eat at Pizza Hut.

You see these traditional double
decker buses all over England.